After teaching and coaching for the last six years and doing what I can to empower the next generation to follow their dreams, take life by balls, shoot for the stars, and all the other cliché stuff that teachers do, I decided to practice what I preach and dive back into writing to see what I can do.
So what, then, should I be writing about? I had gone back and forth on things that I could include in this blog, but for the majority of it I wanted to be lighthearted and funny (or attempt to be).
I thought talking about my experiences inside the classroom and outside with my students. When I am at a party and somebody wants to make small talk about what I do (most likely a guy named Brian) and I tell them that I am a teacher and coach, the first question they will ask is "Do you have any good stories about students?" Yeah, Brian, I do. Grab another chardonnay and let me knock your socks off by talking about my little monsters.*
I thought maybe I should talk about sports. Sports are a big part of my life. I played sports growing up, I played college football on scholarship**, and have coached high school football and track since I started teaching. I know that I could offer some insight about sports. Both the lighter side and things I can guess some coaches might be thinking (or not and I'm just another guy who has a crappy be the judge.)
And finally, I thought about maybe just writing about TV and movies. When I am out of school, whether it be the summer or just a break in the school year, I'd like to act like I am drinking in a good book or working hard to develop my class curriculum for the next school year, but I'm not. I'm usually watching TV seasons at a time. Did you ever watch "Last Chance U" on Netflix? I did...the whole season on a Sunday. I'm pathetic.
When thinking about all of these things, I decided that I was going to write about all of it. Which is the origin of it being called 'TheOffseason." It is me, writing about the things that I know in an off-beat way. I'm not trying to take myself too seriously and I ask, if you read this, to do the same.
So this starts my endeavor and we will see how it goes. Let me know what you think. I will post these on my social media pages and ask you to let me know what I can fix and give me things you want me to write about. My effort is simple: to entertain those who stop to read this. So if you are, thanks and welcome to TheOffseason.
*I actually love my students...most of the time.
**I played my freshman year at a NAIA school that, when I was there, a three-win season was a success. This is not a point of bragging...just to be clear.
**I played my freshman year at a NAIA school that, when I was there, a three-win season was a success. This is not a point of bragging...just to be clear.
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